
Orientation for Travelers

Are you planning a trip to Germany, Austria or Switzerland? If your travel style is blending in with the locals, DeutschDecoded offers specialized orientation courses for travellers that will be perfect for you!

Our Travel Preparation Services

Personalized Learning

We design a custom learning plan based on your current German proficiency, learning style, and objectives for your stay in Germany.

Practical Vocabulary

We focus on teaching practical vocabulary and phrases you will use daily in Germany, including greetings, directions, ordering food, and shopping.

Cultural Etiquette

Learn about German cultural norms and etiquette to smoothly adapt to life in Germany.

Travel Tips

We share valuable tips for travel within Germany, using public transportation, and navigating German airports and train stations.

One-on-One Tutoring

Each session is a private, one-on-one interaction to ensure personalized attention.

Emergency Preparedness

Get a thorough overview of German emergency services and hotlines, so you're well-prepared in case of an unexpected situation.

Tickets Booked? Time to start learning!

Let us know about your upcoming trip, your current level of comfort with German, and we’ll handle the rest!